

You probably won't find much of that here. Two tons of Reese's peanut butter hearts can't really eradicate the ornery, sassy streak that arises in me every 14th of February. They do leave a better taste in my mouth than most of the other aspects of the sweetheart's holiday does.

Don't get me wrong - For ten of my thirty-two years I've actually had a Valentine, even one who does very sweet and romantic things. So I'm almost over the high-school college idea that it is a keenly felt "Single Awareness Day." But being married to the man I am, I've let a little of the "it's totally invented by Hallmark" attitude sneak in...Mostly, though, I think I'm just more inclined to keep my fluff to myself.

But this year I came across this poem by John Keats that I had written out in an old notebook. I love the passion and sentiment and thought I would post it for love's and St. Valentine's sake...

When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,
Before high-piled books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripen'd grain;
When I behold, upon the night's starr'd face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love;--then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

And now for a little twist on the loveness...

Morning Glory gave me such a nice plug for my most recent post and brought so many new fun visitors to CYM land. It made me feel incredible - both to find her post and to see the new visitors and their comments. It made me realize that one person's good opinion and a little link love go a long, long way in doing a heart good.

I know One Woman's World will be posting the Share the Love Award winners soon and hidden treasures have been nominated over at Everyday Mommy in honor of February, but I thought that today in the midst of our less formal or maybe more personal loveydoveyness we could all think of a post - or a blog - that we heart madly, write a little plug for it, and post it for our regular visitors to meet our other bloggy land friends, and get us all hooked up with some Valentine's Day bloggity goodness. So if you have time or the inclination, go for it in the next day or two! We'll have a little blogger mixer party, huh? Let me know in a comment if you do it - I'd love to visit you and your cyber Valentine. (I'll post my plug tomorrow.)


someone else said...

What a good idea. I already did mine. :)

someone else said...

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day.

An Ordinary Mom said...

What a fun way to mix things up and get to meet new people. I am on board.

I have seen your blog throughout bloggityville for awhile now, but Morning Glory is the reason for my visit. I read through your Code Yellow post and instantly felt a bond with you. You have a talent for writing and I am excited to have another new, inspirational blog to read!

Happy Valentine's Day ... even if it isn't your favorite holiday. In our house we make the focus on our family instead. The kids adored the little valentine packages we made for them this morning!

Terri B. said...

Shnookiewookumness. Now that should be on the front of a tongue-in-cheek valentines day card! This reminds me of a card with a "huggy wuggy bear" on the front and inside the card it said something to the effect of squeezing huggy wuggy bear until his itsy bitsy eyes pop out. Ok, so I have a weird sense of humor!

Thanks for coming over to visit. I too am glad to meet someone who has read Professor and the Madman. I loved it! The OED is fascinating in itself, so the story surrounding the making of this magnificent piece of work was a treat for me.