Saturday, almost as an afterthought, we hopped in the car and went to one of our favorite places in the city - The National Building Museum. They were having Discover Engineering Day and there were all kinds of activities for families. Usually we like to go on a less busy day because it is the perfect run-around-without-bothering-anyone-or-destroying-precious-artifacts type museum. But cabin fever is a huge element of our lives right now and we did a battlefield last weekend, so we decided to brave the madness of thousands of families and boy scout troops building stuff.
It wasn't too bad. The boys got to make slime somewhere besides my kitchen, they built tables out of cardboard and newspaper, attempted to construct a zipline vehicle for a pingpong ball, and designed playground equipment out of food (again, somewhere besides my kitchen). And they were able to watch a guy rapel to the 125-foot ceiling using his own invention (that part impressed Cal).
But, most importantly, they got to be photographed with a cartoon character - as Henry calls him, in true Hacker fashion: "that cyber turkey." It's Digit, from Cyberchase - Calvin's favorite show ever.
For us, it was just something to do once we got there, the line to stand by Digit wasn't too long, and we thought the boys were mildly interested. The best part was that night when David was listening outside their bedroom - they were still talking a half hour after being put to bed. He heard Calvin say, "Henry, today was the best day of my life. Can you believe we got to meet Digit for real?!" And Henry answered, in equally excited tones, "Yeah. I know!"
Can you even imagine the rapture, should we sometime take them to Disneyland or something?
Charlie, for his part, has the time of his life playing with the big boys. I can't believe how quickly he has gotten to the crawl (fast!) and pull up stage. And the put-small-objects-in-his-mouth stage. (Is it bad that my five-year-old is becoming proficient at the mouth finger swipe for choking hazards?)(In case some of you are wondering, I do occasionally put clothing on the baby.)
I canNOT listen to him cry in the car. You gotta do what you gotta do.
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