
The Jane: Eleven Months Old

I think I caught a lot more expressions of Jane's personality with this month's photo shoot. It was a lot of fun.

Some things to know about Jane this month:

She wrinkles her whole face these days when she smiles.

She can courtesy laugh. There are few things that are more hilarious than an 11-month-old who will give you a cheesy little smile and a heh-heh-heeeehhhhh followed abruptly by a deadpan look.

She waves good-bye and does all of pattycake and understands how to give loves and kisses.

She still does not like strangers, but she's getting better and warming up to them.

She adores her brothers and they can make her laugh better than anyone.

She has taken a few steps already, but they are usually stealthy ones when no one is looking.

She will sometimes lay on her back or sit and flap her arms helplessly to show that she is just to upset to move toward you.

She tattles on and tells off her brothers in a very fierce way.

She can screech louder than any child I have ever met.

She is heavy - she looks all soft and actually even a little petite, but don't let those marshmallowey thighs fool you! The are filled with lead. She weighed 22 pounds at her last check-up.

She is absolute peaches and cream.

And here are the tutu snapshots for this month:

I got a little creative editing photos, and was rather pleased with this black and white that I made.

I can't believe there is less than one month left of her first year.


Just a Moment

A sudden awareness of fairly prolonged peace and quiet jolted me this afternoon while I was checking my email, and that familiar "uh-oh" feeling when things have been too quiet for too long spurred me into investigating, dreading what I might find...


Jane: sitting in the hallway, happily chewing on age-appropriate toys by the bedroom door...

Charlie: busy lining up cars and trucks on the rug in the playroom...

Henry: intensely enjoying MarioKart without screaming at his virtual opponents...

Calvin: propped up on pillows on my bed, reading a chapter book.

What's wrong with this picture?

The answer?


Amazing! Weird!


I just needed to appreciate and document the beauty of it.

P.S. You know what else happened today? Jane napped. Charlie napped. I napped. All at the same time. The big boys were quiet and got along and did not dismantle anything while we napped.

Today might be a good day to buy a lottery ticket or something.