I forget that I've been a little hit and miss with the details over the past few...months, so I thought I'd put a little post up about our move.
My husband is a foreign service officer with the U.S. Department of State and we are going to Kiev, Ukraine for a two year post.
We are (mostly) excited because we both served missions in Ukraine about ten years ago. David's Russian skills are excellent, mine are rusty at best, and going around the world with three small children in tow has altered the way I look at adventure. Suddenly it does matter if I can get potable milk. You know what I mean?
Kiev is definitely ahead of other cities in Ukraine, it always has been, and besides, it's been ten years since I was there. It's just that sometimes when I stop and think about things that I thought nothing of when I was there as a missionary...wow. I have hope that some things have changed and the same kind of hope that some things haven't.
We pack out of our house on Tuesday and fly out of the country in a couple weeks. In the meantime, we are going to spend some time being tourists in our own country - visiting our favorite places in and around D.C. as well as taking a little road trip to the Big Apple and a stop in Baltimore.
My life over the next few weeks is going to be chock full of blog material, I'm know. I'm just not sure what my computer access is going to be. We're still working that out.
Once we land in Kiev and get a little bit settled and/or I need to vent, I totally plan on blogging regularly. Catch me when you can!
I can't wait to read all about your adventures! Good luck on your trip over!
Thanks for the explanation. It sounds fascinating and scarey at the same time. Good luck to all of you and I'll be looking forward to your stories.
I have added a link to you on my blogroll of FS blogs at http://lifeafterjerusalem.blogspot.com
Best of luck! I'll be thinking of you. :)
I'm really looking forward to reading about your adventures!
I am excited for your move so far home. I love to let all the other people from the Reston ward move overseas and then let them blog about their experiences so I can just sit here in the US and feel like I am traveling. I am sure the next few weeks will be insane, but I wish you the best of luck! I can't wait to see what you find there!
Wow, that is so cool!!
Yes, potable milk would be good to have. As would a washer and dryer. Any idea if you'll have access to that - or will you need to go out to do laundry?
i was wondering this weekend what kind of job it was that offered this kind of opportunity. thanks for the explanation.
i hope that everything goes well for you guys. i am a little jealous that your boys will have such a wonderful experience to add to their characters. i sympathize with the nervousness, too.
best of luck. can't wait to read about it all.
I am a faithful reader, but a lousy commenter.
I hope the packing and moving goes great, best of luck T!!
I am also lousy - but I've had EXCUSES like lousy computers and such.
Can't wait to read all about your 'ventures!
Oh, CYM! I am so incredibly jealous that you get to go back to the land of the mission... PLEASE keep in touch and let me know what has changed (or not...). I can still hear that call of "moloko!!!" in the morning around the apartment. At least now I know that I would need to boil that milk before using it! And the temple... if it ever gets finished. How jealous I am!!! Good luck on that move though - tebya looblue!
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