
Photo Fest: Star Spangled Baby

While it is still July, I must share Charlie's red white and blueness...

Love the bottoms of the feet on this outfit for Charlie's first 4th, courtesy of Aunt Lesli:

And here's his first trip to the District, hanging with (on) Dad at the Washington Monument:

Love the denim diaper cover and bold stripes on the soccer shirt...

And my personal favorite, the tiny American flag on a business casual navy polo onesie, handed down from Henry, who wore it when he was two days old.

Sleeping in dawn's early light...

Snapping like a little lobster...

And day is done...


Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Baby Charlie is so unbeliveably yummy! I know we don't know each other in real life, but with babies so close in age and proximity I keep thinking we'll run into each other eventually -- and it's so special to see your little guy in all these adorable little outfits!

My Little Bear is 6 months old today, and I can't quite figure out how we got here so fast.

Gina Conroy said...

soooo precious!