
Form or Function

I have neither.

No, wait - I do have a big pregnant belly form.

But I can't function.

I have no real complaint except extreme tireditis. And I do mean extreme.

I want to dejunk and feather a nest like crazy. (I did register at Target, just to feel like I was getting stuff together, and since it didn't require actually moving from a chair...)

I want to blog more.

But mostly I want to sleep. It's ridiculous.

I can't gather thoughts or organize priorities. I do get dinner on and keep the children alive, but...wow.

Six weeks until London. Sooo much to do before then.

Still twelve weeks (give or take a couple) until baby. Quite a bit to do before then.

And I'm even more tired thinking about what then.

Sorry to be such a snooze. I've just never experienced anything quite like this and it's really getting to me!

But to salvage this post from total tedium, here are a couple pics from our trip to the castles last weekend. We saw three different fortresses, two very old Jewish cemeteries, and several other ruins, plus some beautiful countryside and villages.

First, the boys and their dad at Kamenyets Podilsky, one of the fortresses that provided protection from Turkish slave raids hundreds of years ago:

And Charlie didn't spend the whole time in the hidden-from-the-camera-backpack...He had a lot of fun running all over the green hillsides. It was wonderful for all the boys:

Some other photos and more interesting details are coming...soon...if I can just...wake up.


someone else said...

For some reason your posts aren't showing up in my bloglines and I've missed a few. But I see your sense of humor is still coming through.

I love that picture of you and the three little guys.

Linda Stahr said...

So I have been told time and time again that there's a definite difference in PREGNANCY between a boy and a girl. I'm not so sure about that - I'm STILL tired... and I'm not even pregnant! However. I can empathize with the tiredness and the extreme case of tireditis. In an attempt to feel tired all the time, I work at the Temple at night. So far, it's working. I'm tired all the time.

I hope that you become UN-tired soon... but that may well be 18 years away yet. I love the pictures of your family! You still look great!

The Amazing Trips said...

I still can't believe you are adding a new baby to the mix. That is so awesome. I hope that overall, you are feeling well - and not having to deal with any crazy squirrels. I can't wait to hear about your newest arrival. Especially her name...!!