
I Got Nothin'

You know it's bad when your husband, who lives in the same house with you, makes some kind of blithe remark about someone else who posts very rarely but still posts more than you do.

OK. I get it. I need to keep the blog up. But I've got nothin.' Or at least no way to say it in any kind of interesting way. But just for a post's sake, I'll give you a little list:

1. I'm sapped. Tired. Probably mostly lazy, but tired sounds better. And is quite possible, really.

2. Despite Item No. 1, I have exercised almost every day since the January 1. And I have lost several pounds and one inch off my waist.

3. I'm trying to fit into a smaller bathing suit by March, when we are thinking of going to Thailand.

4. My kids are cute and smart. Still. But I can't think of any specific examples right now. Just trust me.

5. It's crazy cold here right now, and the sidewalks are pure ice. You get brain freeze just by breathing. I actually kinda like it because this is what I expect out of winter in Ukraine. Last year was a disappointment.

6. I am serving as Young Women's President in our little church branch here. There are two girls, sisters, and I am clueless. This is a calling that is seriously stretching me - not because the girls are problems, but because it's out of my comfort zone (I struggled relating to teenage girls when I was one myself!) and I just want to do it right and make it a meaningful experience for them.

7. My hair is staticky and falling out at an alarming rate. I think it's something in the water. Or else thyroid again. Not cool.

8. I have fallen in love with fizzy water. If I could remember to make ice cubes, I would have heaven in a glass.

9. Only seven more months until our post in Kiev is up. Which supports my theory that a person can do anything for two years. Just put a three-month London break in the middle if you can. Heh. No, really. Kiev has been a great experience. I need to document it a little better, don't I?

10. I undecorated a couple weeks ago but our naked Christmas tree is still standing in the corner of the living room waiting for David to pack her up. Hmmm. Looks like he gets to his honey-dos almost as frequently as I get to my blog, eh?


Gypsy Girl said...

I like it! Sounds like somethin' to me!

Z. Marie said...

The hair loss could just be postpartum. I hadn't had that problem before, but my husband started complaining about all of my hair lying around the house recently. Then my doctor mentioned "typical" hair loss happens three to nine months after having a baby.
Have you mentioned what your next post will be?

Andrea said...

haha. love the last one.
And I agree with the above. My hair always fell out like crazy months after having a baby. Totally normal, yet annoying. I'm not bald though, so it's all good.

Aimee said...
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megachick said...

i agree and empathize with #4. your kids ARE cute, and i always get stumped when talking to out of town relatives trying to remember something cute/funny/clever my girls did recently.

Linda Stahr said...

sugardoodle.com (or maybe it's .net) is a great help for people struggling with what to do with a calling in the church... either that or my other favorite - beehivemessages.blogspot.com. They're both excellent resources for people new to a calling. Let me know if you need help - I LOVE young women's, and am insanely jealous of your calling. I'm the primary chorister. Still working on getting it going...

And I totally understand about all of the above mentioned things. I'm working on losing a ton of weight - perhaps after the baby is born...

Code Yellow Dad said...

Zinged for an undone honey-do on your blog! Ouch.

Christine said...

It really is hard to post when you're not inspired. I do think that you'll be happy you did, even though you didn't feel like it. I'm glad you did.