
WFMW - Lazy Susan by the Stove

I didn't come from a lazy-susan-on-the-dining-table family, so I've never used one like that, to pass the casserole or the salt and pepper. (Besides the fact that I prefer not to have two little boys experimenting with centrifugal force at breakfast.)

So when I happened to win this one at a church activity (one of my good friends MADE it), I was in a quandary as to what exactly I could use it for, to do it justice. For one, it is larger than cupboard size (about 15" in diameter), and for two, it is art, so why would I hide it under cardamom and cream of tartar in a cupboard?

Here is my solution: I put all my oils, vinegars, knives and other frequently used food-prep items on it, near my stove. That way, they are within easy reach, have a convenient spin option to prevent domino effect tip-overs, and when it comes time to scrub that blasted tile and grout countertop, I can easily lift the whole thing up and move it to another place. Plus, my friend's artwork makes me smile each time I cook.

You might not be able to get such a unique Lazy Susan, but using a large one (even if it is less decorative) as a handy open place to keep cooking supplies works for me!


Nettie said...

What a fun thing! I love things that bring a bit of beauty while they organize.

Mom2fur said...

I love it, and the idea!

And boys experimenting with centrifugal force at breakfast...LOL!!!! I can just see eggs flying everywhere!

Gabriela said...

That is so cool. Also laughing at your boys experimenting with centrifugal force!

Glass Half Full said...

I love this idea. How easy it makes grabbing that salt or knife during dinner making.

Kim from Hiraeth said...

I'm going to do this! Really. I'm going to be right by Linens and Things today.

Now I'm on a mission.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really good idea. I'm not laughing at all either - I *have* two little boys, I understand!!

Sandra said...

Oh I'm definitely doing this, what an awesome idea and sooooo cute :)

Thanks for sharing.

the lizness said...

I like the one *kiss the cook*

Amy said...

How pretty AND useful! I have a boy so I just nodded my head when I read your comment about their experiments ;) It certainly is a way to make things very handy for you when you are cooking- thanks for sharing!

someone else said...

I think having dessert first, as suggested, is a great idea. Then kiss the cook in appreciation.

This is a cool WFMW idea!

Jessica said...

That is such a neat idea! :)

Carol said...

I REALLY like that! We do use a lazy susan on the table to pass things, but now I want another one next to the stove. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

OHHHH~ I love this. I use my lazy susan thing for school supplies... pencils glue scissors etc. This is wayyy great idea!

utmommy said...

What a good idea. I could never use something like that at the table either. My boys experiment with all sorts of things.

Jan/lost-strayed-or-stolen.blogspot.com said...

What a good idea! both, actually--using it for this purpose, and *not* using it on the table--my mama used to have a lovely lazy susan with fitted dishes, meant for olives, pickles, dips, etc., and we kids loved spinning it to see how fast stuff would fly off of it.

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Yes, force of any kind at the table is a bad thing. That is so beautiful, I'm afraid it would end up on a WALL at my house (I use strange things for art sometimes). Then I suppose my kids would try to use it for a steering wheel...